AUM Meditation

Eine Meditation in 14 Phasen, die durch alle Spektren unserer Gefühle geht.
Der Prozess bringt Dich von negativ zu positiv, von Katharsis zu Stille, zurück zu Deiner Mitte.
Die Humaniversity AUM Meditation ist eine geführte Reise durch Dein gesamtes emotionales Wesen. Die Technik wird Dir helfen, (Alltags-)Stress und schmerzhafte Gefühle zu transformieren in Kreativität und Wohlbefinden. Die Begegnung in der Gruppe lässt Dich Freundschaft schließen mit Dir selbst und mit den Anderen.

Du erlebst Dich so wie Du bist: einzigartig und liebenswert!

mit Gathin und Astiko Krüger
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mit Undine Ritzmann
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„Ordinarily the whole humanity has been taught to be positive and not to be negative. The result is that humanity has become negative. People don`t know what joy is. They have forgotten the very language. You talk about bliss, and they simply listen to the word; they don`t have any experience of it. And they have been taught to be continuously to be blissful, joyful. Thea only know what anger and sadness is. They have been taught to cling to just one polarity and have not been allowed to move to the other polarity. Life exists between these two poles… in the movement is life. And a real life implies both. The circle has to be complete – both yin and yang – and then a person is at peace. One should be capable of being negative totally, of being positive totally.” (from OSHO)

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